Mosque in KSA

Cultural hotspot for a new regional development in the capital city of Jeddah.

In the realm of architecture, the interplay of light and structure transcends the ordinary, spotlighting visibility and weaving a narrative against the night's backdrop. This convergence shines brightest in a white marble mosque, celebrating aesthetics, culture, and local craftsmanship.

Nighttime illumination serves a dual purpose—revealing architectural contours and offering vibrant colour displays. The marble structure bathes in a gentle radiance, awakening design subtleties. Minarets stand tall, softly aglow, while a 360-degree accent glow embraces the golden tomb, a distant allure.

Detail reigns supreme in this symphony. Architectural intricacies pay homage to local craft and culture. Soft wall washing techniques grace the façade, minimising street light reliance. Additional light layers embrace trees, guiding visitors safely.

The project artfully harmonises light and form, spotlighting architecture and celebrating details. The dance of light and darkness beckons exploration—a tribute to tradition, modernity, and architectural splendour. At night, the mosque stands as a radiant testament to human creativity. Illumination invites a journey, painting stories through glows and caresses—a hymn to light, architecture, and culture.

“Collab - Jellyfish - Year 2022”